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Mr. Webber's AP Physics 1 and 2 Classes
Online Textbooks and Resources

OpenStax College Physics for AP Courses

OpenStax College Physics for AP Courses

AP Physics 1 Practice Workbook -- Mechanics, Waves and Sounds, Electrostatics, and DC Circuits

AP Physics 1 Practice Workbook -- Mechanics, Waves and Sounds, Electrostatics, and DC Circ

OpenStax University


OpenStax University Physics Volume 1 Thu

College Board Quantitative Skills in the AP Sciences

OpenStax University Physics Volume 2 Thu
OpenStax University Physics Volume 3 Thu

Math Reference Books

OpenStax Intermediate Algebra

OpenStax Intermediate Algebra Thumbnail.

OpenStax Algebra and Trigonometry

OpenStax Algebra and Trigonometry Thumbn

OpenStax College


OpenStax College Algebra Thumbnail.png

OpenStax Pre-


OpenStax Pre-Calculus Thumbnail.png

Encyclopedia Of Mathematics (Science Encyclopedia), Tanton

Encyclopedia of Mathematics Thumbnail.jpg

Advanced Placement Physics online resources

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